I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays with family and friends. The new year has met us with some inclement weather, leading to delays and closings. I would like to remind all of our families of the plan to make-up school days if we would exceed five calamity days during this school year. The make-up days are (in this order) May 29, June 1, 2, 3, 4. I would like to share some important upcoming dates with our school community, including a copy of the testing letter with our testing information and dates:
UPDATED TJHS testing letter with dates can be found here:
UPDATED TJHS Testing Letter
Jan. 27 - 2nd Quarter Academic Awards Assembly
Feb. 16 - NO SCHOOL - President's Day
Feb. 23, 25, 27, Mar. 3, 4, 5, 10, 12 - 1st Round of State Testing (See Testing Letter)
Feb. 19 - Conferences - 3:00-6:00PM
Mar. 20 - End of 3rd Quarter
Apr. 3 - NO SCHOOL - Good Friday
Apr. 6-10 - Spring Break
Apr. 27-May 6- 2nd Round of State Testing
Thank you for your continued support of TJHS. It is our supportive families, excellent staff, and diligent students that make this a great place to work and learn.
Go Trojans!
Dave Dilbone