As Thanksgiving quickly approaches tomorrow, it is a great time to stop and reflect on the numerous positive things that are happening here at TJHS. As you will see below, we have a lot to be thankful for at TJHS.
Once again, we had a high number of students participate in fall sports. Three of our fall teams finished in FIRST place in the GWOC North Division, with two other teams finishing as GWOC North Runner-Ups. Our 8th Grade Volleyball team, Boys Cross Country team, and Girls Cross Country team all finished the season as the GWOC North Champions! Our 7th Grade Volleyball team and 7th Grade Football team both finished as GWOC North Runner-Ups! Our Girls CC team won all but 2 meets this year, winning not only the GWOC North title, but also the overall GWOC title. They finished an overall 153-3. Wow! Emma Kennett became the school record holder by running a time of 11:54 at the Miami County Championships!! All of this while many of our student-athletes were recognized as "Scholar Athletes" (3.5 GPA or higher)! What a successful fall season for our student-athletes...Congratulations!!
One note from athletics is the caution to our parents and athletes about participating on non-school teams when not permitted to do so by the Ohio High School Athletic Association. Please see the note below from the OHSAA regarding football. There are similar regulations for other sports. When in doubt, ask your school coach or Mrs. Roberts, TJHS Athletic Director.
7.4) Regulations Prohibiting Football Players from Participating on Non-School Teams –
One note from athletics is the caution to our parents and athletes about participating on non-school teams when not permitted to do so by the Ohio High School Athletic Association. Please see the note below from the OHSAA regarding football. There are similar regulations for other sports. When in doubt, ask your school coach or Mrs. Roberts, TJHS Athletic Director.
7.4) Regulations Prohibiting Football Players from Participating on Non-School Teams –
7.4.1) A
member of an interscholastic football team may not participate in an athletic
contest, a tryout or any type of team or group training or practices with a
non-school team in that same sport between August 1 and May 31. Flag football,
touch football and arena football are examples of non-permissible events.
Note: This
regulation applies to students invited to participate in a tryout, group
training or practice at a college or in contests, tryouts, group training or
practices with any non-school program or team. (General Sports Regulation
7.4.2) From
June 1 to July 31, a member of an interscholastic football team may participate
in an athletic contest, a tryout or any type of team or group training or
practices with a non-school team. This would include 7-on-7 participation. (See
General Sports Regulation 7.5 regarding coach’s involvement . . . the 10-day
Note: All
activities must be non-contact and the only football equipment the player may
wear are helmets and cleats.
Our 1st Quarter Academic Awards recognized students for Perfect Attendance, Honor Roll (3.5-3.74 GPA), and Principal's List (3.75-4.0 GPA). We handed out over 519 total awards, while having nearly 250 parents and family members join us for the awards!
Our fundraiser with Coffelt Candy Company was a success this year. This will help us to increase access to mobile technology such as chromebooks. The top 20 students were transported to lunch at Al's Pizza by our business partner, Erwin Chrysler Jeep Dodge. A Dodge Viper and brand new Dodge Chargers were used to transport the students. Erwin even picked up the tab for lunch. Thank you Erwin Chrysler!
Student council again collected canned goods and held a "penny war" to raise money toward helping local families during this Thanksgiving season. The donations combined with the money from the "penny war" is providing 22 local families with a Thanksgiving meal and more. Well done Student Council!
In the fall, our 8th grade students take trips that will help guide them as they begin to think about what they would like to do in high school and beyond. One of the goals of TJHS is to provide our students with the necessary tools and experiences that will allow them to begin formulating realistic plans for the future before they walk across the parking lot to Troy High School. The Future Begins Today will sponsor our 4th annual trip to Wright State University. This will allow our 8th grade students to visit a local college campus, learn about the various programs of study, and interact with a representative from WSU to answer any questions. Also, we took our annual trip to Upper Valley Career Center. This trip allows our students to see the different programs offered at UVCC, and begin to think about whether or not this learning environment would be for them.
In the fall, our 8th grade students take trips that will help guide them as they begin to think about what they would like to do in high school and beyond. One of the goals of TJHS is to provide our students with the necessary tools and experiences that will allow them to begin formulating realistic plans for the future before they walk across the parking lot to Troy High School. The Future Begins Today will sponsor our 4th annual trip to Wright State University. This will allow our 8th grade students to visit a local college campus, learn about the various programs of study, and interact with a representative from WSU to answer any questions. Also, we took our annual trip to Upper Valley Career Center. This trip allows our students to see the different programs offered at UVCC, and begin to think about whether or not this learning environment would be for them.
I hope this Fall Update finds you and your family well as we head into the upcoming Holidays. Thank you for your continued support of TJHS. This building is a great place to work and learn because of our excellent staff and supportive families.
Go Trojans!
Dave Dilbone