Now that the 1st Semester has come to a close and January is behind us, we have the opportunity to look ahead at the second half of the school year. TJHS teachers and staff continue to provide a quality education to the students of this building. We celebrated our successes during our Second Quarter Academic Awards Assembly by distributing more than 400 certificates to students for Honor Roll (3.5-3.74), Principal's List (3.75-4.0), and Perfect Attendance. With a new Semester in full swing, I want to provide a snapshot of upcoming events over the next couple of months. Please note the dates for our state testing in March, April, and May. We will test in the morning on these days.
Unfortunately, our upcoming state testing schedule combined with Spring break creates a conflict with our Third Quarter Academic Awards Assembly. In lieu of an awards assembly, we will distribute Third Quarter awards to students through their advisory teachers. We know that our students work very hard to earn these awards and we want to make sure they still receive their certificates even though we are unable to hold the assembly.
Feb. 19 - NO SCHOOL - Presidents' Day
Mar. 16 - End of 3rd Quarter
Mar. 26 and 28 - Language Arts State Testing Grades 8
Mar. 27 and 29 - Language Arts State Testing Grade 7
Mar. 30 - Apr. 6 - NO SCHOOL - Spring Break and Good Friday
Apr. 23 and 25 - Math State Testing Grades 8
Apr. 24 and 26 - Math State Testing Grade 7
May 1-2 - Science State Testing Grade 8
I also want to share a resource to help you as parents deal with the topic of mental health. Hopefully you find this article helpful as you navigate the sometimes challenging path of parenting.
Thank you for your continued support of TJHS. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about your child's education. It is our supportive families, excellent staff, and diligent students that make TJHS a great place to work and learn.
Go Trojans!
Dave Dilbone