With August right around the corner, plans and preparations for the upcoming school year are in full swing at TJHS. Our custodians continue to do an outstanding job with the summer cleaning, ensuring that the building is ready to go when the staff and students return. In the office, envelopes are being stuffed with team letters in preparation for a mailing to our families next week. Please note that 2017-2018 fees will not be assessed until later in the 1st quarter. Fees from previous years can be paid now, but please hold on paying this year's school fees. Schedule pick-up for 7th and 8th grade students will continue on separate days. Orientation for 7th grade students will be incorporated into the first day of school. We are excited for the start of another great year at TJHS!
Below you will find some important information and dates as we head into August.
Student Drop Off/Pick-Up -
- When dropping a student off, use the one-way entrance off of Adams Street, proceed to TJHS, and drop off students at any point along the sidewalk in front; promptly continue to the one-way exit onto Adams Street.
- Students may be picked up from the front of the building, though parking on Ferguson Drive (in front of the building) is not permitted as it is a fire lane. Parking is available around the island in front of TJHS or in the lot to the north of the building.
- If it becomes necessary for you to pick up your child/children at school, we ask that you:
- Report to the office
- Identify yourself
- Sign your child/children out on our release chart
- We do not release any student from school without parental permission.
Bell Schedules - TJHS bell schedules
Parent Orientation - We held a parent orientation in May for the parents of incoming 7th grade students. The powerpoint can be found on the TJHS website under Forms and Resources. You can click here to view the parent orientation powerpoint.
Athletics - Fall sports schedules are posted on the TJHS website under Forms and Resources on the right hand side. You can click here to view the Athletic Calendar for game schedules. Volleyball will hold try-outs Aug. 1st-3rd from 5-7pm. CC practice starts Aug. 1st from 8-9:15am each day. Football practice starts July 31st at 9am each day.
First Week of August - Team letters, Emergency Med. Forms, and other info mailed home.
8th Grade Schedule Pick-Up - Aug. 15 from 10am-2pm
7th Grade Schedule Pick-Up - Aug. 16 from 10am-2pm and 3-5pm
Open House (Team Meetings) - Aug. 21.
8th Grade - 5:30-6:30pm, 8th Grade Team meetings begin at 5:30pm (Location in Team letter)
7th Grade - 6:30-7:30pm, 7th Grade Team meetings begin at 6:30pm (Location in Team letter)
First Day of School - Aug. 23
Labor Day (No School) - Sept. 4
Quarterly Academic Awards Assembly -
Perfect Attendance, Honor Roll (3.5-3.74), and Principal's List (3.75-4.0)
Nov. 10, Jan. 26, Mar. 29
7th Grade - 7:45-8:30am
8th Grade - 8:30-9:15am
Conferences -
Oct. 12 from 3-7pm
Nov. 9 from 3-7pm
Jan. 25 from 3-6:30pm
Feb. 22 from 3-6pm
All of the above dates can be found by clicking here to view the TJHS Building Calendar. Enjoy the remaining days of summer. I look forward to seeing everyone in August.
Go Trojans!
Dave Dilbone